
An ass that utterly defies gravity
<guy1>damn look at the shelf on that one.
<guy2>i know it just... sits up.
<guy1>call schmack we gotta tell him about this one.
by Grill March 14, 2005
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to store an arbitrary item in a bodily orifice for later use.
That stripper's son shelfed my phone!
by clickitdown December 4, 2006
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When he saw the polices steve decided to shelf his weed
by bobbie July 23, 2003
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alternate way of taking drugs by inserting them into the anus
hey gareth, i'm going to swallow one pill and shelf the other one
by staticsate November 18, 2009
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A common photography pose in which a person places their hand beneath their chin, forming a sort of shelf for their head to rest on, in order to better frame their face. When such a pose is used for a selfie, the resulting image is called a "shelfie"
"Excellent use of shelfing, Sasha! What an exquisite shelfie!"
by flyingpenguin December 14, 2014
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The act of placing drugs inside the vagina as a way of ingesting them
Molly is rolling so hard after shelfing that pill
by FestivalNurse June 13, 2017
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When you let a fat guy fuck you doggy, and they have to set their fat stomach on your ass!
Damn, I got shelfed last night, dude was fat as fuck.
by kayteebaybee April 8, 2020
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