A fanfic with LOTS of fluff or with a more intense level of fluff.
"That Johnlock fic was so fluffy I'd go as far to say it was Schmoop.
by the-tenth-physician June 17, 2013
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To be schmoopy is to make others vomit with your cavity inducing displays of affection. To want schmoop is normal, don't be alarmed. Submit.
by thephrog August 4, 2006
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To give blowjobs to random people in bars and on the street.
My friends and I had a schmoop party downtown last week.
by brcu May 28, 2010
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To be disrespected by another who has not experienced the schmoopiness himself
She was schmooped in the back of the class.
by Chad December 14, 2004
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To OD but everyone thinks your asleep (specifically from lean)
Oh yeah my buddy Corbin just chilling back in the bathtub schmoop
by Katiefinneske November 8, 2017
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A great English site with some serious potential, it is commonly used around Australia by 15-year-old school boys who are looking for their own potential who they can hopefully someday possess from the site Schmoop who has potential.
Jim: "Hey, I didn't do the homework."
Jum: "Thats ok just go on Schmoop and say you forgot."
Whole School: "Daye GEHHHHHHHH!"
by FerterintheMerter February 25, 2019
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an individual or a group of individuals that has been inducted into the likeness of a schmoopie. it is considered an honor in many cultures. schmoops must be invited into the schmoop class by the 4 schmoopiest ladies. it is possible to be part of the schmoops for an hour (honorary schmoops of the hour), a day (honorary schmoops), or a lifetime ( your name + schmoops).
schmoops is always used with your name in front of it. nicknames + schmoops are also possible. (ex. baby schmoops, meat schmoops, tour manager schmoops, papaw schmoops, wild schmoops, attention schmoops)
emmy schmoops, katie schmoops, bethie schmoops, and sara schmoops are getting together tonight to schmoop it up.
by shmoopie schmoops August 1, 2006
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