To be a slut in the past,taking a short break from it,then becoming a slut once again.
Alexandria:"Dude,I thought Vicki wasn't gonna be a slut anymore?"
Janus:"Yeah,but then she fell in love with a douchebag."
Alexandria:"So now she's reslutting?"
by PsykotikMessiah January 12, 2015
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to have have once been a slut, left the world of sluttery, and then returned.
That bitch is a total reslut
by meg-han March 11, 2008
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Results of a google search cooincidentally producing a large amount of links to pornographic sites.
Since I was heading to Prague for a holiday, I decided to do a little research. Unfortunately, a search on google for "Czech webcams" produced far too many resluts.
by Frantic February 21, 2004
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A person who, at one time was a slut, then stopped the sluttish behavior for a period of time, then restarted the sluttish behavior.
Suzy is such a reslut.

Dwight you ignorant reslut!

That reslut tried to get up on me!
by btree April 5, 2009
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someone who has renounced the slut lifestyle, usually by becoming a born again christen, but falls again into the dark pits of sluting.
for a while he was doing good after the party last night he became a reslut.
by bigposerhead February 8, 2005
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'Karen has only gone and slept with Nelbert again.',
'Yes, she resluts once again.'
by Big-P May 7, 2012
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to slut again, to make people think that one is once again a slut or has slutted again
"That girl was a slut in high school. I'm totally going to reslut her"
"Brian, stay away from Shayna, she's a slut! - No worries, I'll just reslut her"
"We need to get her back. Should we reslut her?"
by wicked little lie March 30, 2010
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