
A ray of sunshine. a happy person who makes others happy; to be warm, kind, bright; someone who is a delight to be around.
it's very rabin of you to come all the way to meet me.
He showed me round the town, which was very rabin of him.
by mugiwara_san December 23, 2019
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When u are greedy, hungry, or ravenous for something.
Boy im rabin for all the falafel on that table there!
by September 14, 2020
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A nibbler of anus hair. See also feltch.
The rabinator bit me!
by John Friginetees February 19, 2003
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a large breasted woman who is very intense and likes to fool around. she loves pulling stupid pranks. no one finds them very funny. but she makes up for it with those tits and her cute little button nose.
did you see that rabine? she stole my shoe. but man i'd hit that.
by gloriadelrosa November 2, 2010
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Someone who likes licking rabits...
by Sabian June 4, 2004
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Rabin Mode

Playing a game on easy, but struggling due to a lack of skills or abilities
Even on Rabin Mode, I still cant beat this game
by Huskyn1nja April 30, 2019
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Yitzhak Rabin

The prime minister Yitzhak Rabin said "no to violence!" and was murdered by a yemen activist Igal Amir.
Yitzhak Rabin: "Just sing for peace!!!"
by amir igal February 26, 2023
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