A usually republican, chubby and aggressive man. Usual tendencies are to spaz out for no reason, get really triggered at times, and to grunt and make weird faces at times. Some pubis hobbies include baseball, hunting, and call of duty.
by yunggook December 22, 2016
by The star player January 15, 2016
a) A large hairy, soggy lump usually found in drainage pipes or at the bottom of paper bags.
b) The best replacement word ever dreamed up. Can be used to replace most words in phrases, movie titles, and/or book titles to add comedic effect.
b) The best replacement word ever dreamed up. Can be used to replace most words in phrases, movie titles, and/or book titles to add comedic effect.
by Neriro June 24, 2011
pube-a singular pubic hair
pubes-an individual's bush of pubic hair.
PUBIES-used when talking about a large group of people's pubic hairs.
pubes-an individual's bush of pubic hair.
PUBIES-used when talking about a large group of people's pubic hairs.
by Mirra October 13, 2007
Get the pubie mug.
by J Wags April 30, 2008