A word that is to be utilized for virtually any situation or context. The word is both a verb, an adjective, noun or pronoun or any other type of word it needs to be. Primarily Meant to be Pronounced with a British accent.
by Goldencrispynuggets November 29, 2011
by DirtyJew69 June 10, 2010
An Irish term typically used to describe those who skillfully brew healing potions out of tree roots and snort excessive amounts of pixie dust. It is believed by many that such people are also capable of hypnotism, transfiguration, and dangerously explosive sex.
by Linda Sniffles August 25, 2011
by flowerchild17 October 30, 2014
by PDiddy October 27, 2004
a sexy indvidual, whose name sounds like a rock dropping into a bucket of water, found in ireland, USA, and anywhere else a sexy tominkle is
by Scott John bo John August 15, 2005
He is the most backstabbing Person you will ever meet. You will fall in love with him. And then he will get quiet.
by Ydtvyvygubj February 23, 2020