Puss percentage increase. A unit of measurement to determine the increase of percentage of pussy you will get by doing something or having something.
“If I get these new shoes do you think I’ll get more puss?”
Yes, you’ll probably see a 20-25% PPI increase”
by PPIcreator April 16, 2021
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Possibly the most well-known scam. PPI companies try to make you buy some shit insurance that doesn't exist and they have the worst adverts.
"Do you need PPI?"
"No I'm fine."
"PPI is cheap and useful!"
"No, honestly I don't need it. I don't even know what it is!"
"What is your credit card number and email please Sir?"
by Lukereevey January 2, 2016
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This new phone has 577 PPI!
by stormychild December 16, 2015
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to stay out all night clubbin, Punk Palace Inc., an underground punk rock night club in Houston from 1979-83
When I turned 21 we ppi-ed in downtown and on the strip.
by Robert March 25, 2005
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another definition for PPI
“Oh no I gave him (PPI)”
Purple penis infection that’s so bad)
by hi I am a hooman July 9, 2019
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