1) a beard that has been allowed to grow down onto a portion of the neck, hence the phrase 'neckbeard'

2) a creepy/pedophillic excuse of a man with a neckbeard (see above). Is stereo-typically attracted to underage anime/hentai girls, and will fall head first into love at the sight of a single 'uwu'. It is advised that you stay as far away as possible or they might hit you over the head with a katana /j. You can identify one by their love of the phrase "M'lady," and the shitty fedora that seems to be permanently attached to their head. Usually overweight but you never know these days.
"This neckbeard would give me mod until i said uwu,"
"What a fucking creep,"
by queerbastard July 11, 2021
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Someone who has wasted their life getting so good on a video game so that playing against them isn’t even fun. They are called neckbeards because they sit at their computer all day and have poor hygiene.
Aw man this dude is a tryhard neckbeard, he has 34,176,000 kills, we have 0 chance, what a loser
by real_deal_steel_69 June 16, 2021
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A man who feels entitled to love despite being extremely unattractive and undesirable to women. They tend to have terrible hygiene, extreme political opinions, and hatred towards women. Interchangable with incel.
"This guy keeps asking me for nudes on Instagram!"
"Geesh, what a neckbeard!"
by JP the ENFP June 15, 2022
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1. (n) Facial hair that does not exist on the face, but instead on the neck. Almost never well groomed.

2. (n) Derogatory term for slovenly nerdy people who have no sense of hygene or grooming. Often related to hobbies such as card gaming, video gaming, anime, et. al.
If this party is full of f*cking neckbeards, I'm out. I've got better things to do than sit around with a bunch of unwashed nerds.
by parttimehanyou December 19, 2005
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A noun not referring to a beard that grows down to one's neck, but to a self secluded troglodyte, often represented as a weeb or a person who isolates themselves to the indoors and typically is obsessed with pop culture. Many neckbeards lack hygiene and social cues as well as being typically a self proclaimed "gentleman" or, to the rest of society's terms of phrase, a simp.
Phil is such a neckbeard. I haven't seen him come out of his cave for days.
by Flexiglass June 30, 2020
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Usually overweight and over the age of 30, they hang around board game stores and play games. They also have a weird point of view of everything uses to be good. Their "nostalgia" gets in the way of rational thinking and causes distrust towards modern cercumstances/trends/beliefs
I gotta go to the game store to refill on bolt-action paint, but those Neckbeards smell so dang bad.
by Kingdom Miracle November 30, 2020
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Neckbeard some guy in their thirties living off of mountain dew and wearing a fedora. They are usually bronies but exceptions aply.
that bitchass neckbeard just fucked a waterfountain. Neckbeard just dont
by Boxedisopod February 1, 2018
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