Facial hair that extends underneath your chin and onto your neck.
I didn't shave for 2 weeks, and my neckbeard was itching something fierce!
by trashcanmoses January 3, 2004
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a growth of hair on a man's neck, especially when regarded as indicative of poor grooming.
"I can picture myself wearing these clothes a week from now, bits of food caught in my overgrown neckbeard"
by Retardato July 3, 2020
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McConnell: Asmon stop being such a neckbeard!
Asmon: Fuck you neckbeard lookin' ass. I've got 99% of items in wow lmao
by asmongoldlover999 May 13, 2019
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When facial hair grows on a manchild's neck but not on his face. Identifying said person as someone incapable of adult interaction or successful working relationships.
Meet my co-worker neckbeard. Don't stare, he gets self conscious about his inability to grow a mans beard.
by MAJEKA August 1, 2011
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(v) - to hide in your room, lights off, blinds drawn, shying from society in order to play a video game. This is the stereotype for Dwarf Fortress players but the variety is getting bigger, with games including Minecraft, Warcraft, and Team Fortress 2.
Niall: Where did Ryan go? The party starts in an hour!
Patrick: He went to his room to play TF2. He wants to get a golden wrench.
Niall: He's not neckbearding hard enough to get one of those, and he's neckbearding pretty hard.
by neo! July 6, 2010
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Almost always an older, unemployed or retired guy distinguished by a nasty looking neck beard that looks like a dead cat wrapped around his neck. During ammo shortages, they stake out the local ammo retailers and get there hours before they open so they’ll be the first one in line to snatch up any ammo that shows up and resell it at inflated prices.
Those damn neckbeards are the ones causing the ammo shortage and high prices.
by Looma January 24, 2021
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