
To fail on a level so great that ritualistic suicide is the only logical next step.
Brett Favre's pass against the Saints was such a merch.

Did you hear about Mike? He accidentally fucked a tranny. Such a merch.

I merched. Now I have AIDS.
by BTYS February 5, 2010
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1. Short for merchandise

2. Synonym for a dude's junk

3. A pointless word that has absolutely no meaning, usually used to greet others or said after a purchase. When used by many in a group of men, it means they all want each other's cocks in their ass.
Ben: "Ayyyye bruh i finally got my food, MERCH!"

Everyone else: "MERCH!"
by FinnaSmash55 October 14, 2017
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Verb meaning to pass gas and unknowingly release a small amount of liquid feces. You don't know you've merched until you see the stain in your undies. Merch comes from the noise the fart makes while trying to escape your clenched cheeks.
If Aly keeps pushing out farts like that she's gonna merch herself!
by Lizicle December 23, 2008
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Short for merchandise, usually sold online by youtubers
Check out my merch in the bio and make sure to cop some of that quick
by Hmhy July 12, 2017
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They havin' a merch eatin' contest.
by D money June 30, 2004
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Doing paid to posts on Instagram.
Now that Oliver's got 100k followers, he's gonna be merching the fuck out of his IG.
by 1dead June 23, 2019
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merch it

A South Chicago term used to put your word on something.
Reese: Yo how do I know you're not lying
Abe: Bro I'll merch it on my mama!
by GSalez December 19, 2016
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