Strong feelings between two people, but not necessarily love. It's best seen in very close friends. Also seen when a guy (or girl) is too cheap or nervous to say "I love you."
by Sleepyyawn July 2, 2011
When one or both parties in a relationship don't quite love eachother, but have feelings for them that are strong.
by Kelsi4192 May 9, 2007
A re-defined version of "love". when you are too cheap to tell someone you love them (for lack of emotion) "LURV" is the next best thing.
by Poetaetoe face January 18, 2005
To care for, to understand deeply, to extinguish (as in the fire of ones gaze), to leave wanting more.
by VincentKerrazzi January 22, 2008
by sky2yoshimura March 22, 2008
by Hearts on left hands January 26, 2016