my definition of love is the spark that you feel when another person , the person you love , walks in the room. you feel excitement when you see them. you want to be with them. you feel this spark and you know , you are in love.
by k bye January 26, 2018
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Love is when that certain someone walks into the room, you automatically smile, no matter what mood you're in, or when you hear their voice or laugh, you know it's them without seeing their face. Its the electric feeling while kissing that special someone. Its loving someone more than life itself..wanting to spend every waking moment with them, do anything or nothing. When you can listen to their voice all day long and not get tired of it. You would do anything to spend even 10 minutes with them. When you feel like telling the whole entire world, that you are in love. This is what love is, and so much more.
Dude, I think I'm in love with Eric.
by supersav March 1, 2010
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Love is not a definition, but a feeling.
You can't really explain love...
It's just a feeling in your heart.
Everyone has a different feeling of love...
Therefore, you can't really define it.
Boy: I think I love you.
Girl: How do you know?
Boy: Because my heart is telling me.
by tweee December 10, 2012
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A profound, often lasting impairment of rational judgement.
by mehdontdoit May 18, 2017
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A word that is meaningless untill you find someone who gives it all the meaning in the world
by green lantern hat June 2, 2014
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just an excuse for sex
guy to a girl= oh dear i love u so much
girl=oh really dear... fucks her nicely and.....
guy =take your leg off from me bitch..
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