8 definitions by texasgirl:)

the craziest girl i know. she's smart, random as mess, and pretty. and my best friend. she'll jump in a fight at any time, and she wont hesistate to beat someone with a batone. she always speaks her mind and wont hesistate to tell you all bout yourself either.
*tif*: hold up now, you do you think YOU are to walk away from me. i dont think so!!
by texasgirl:) April 2, 2011
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a guy who is epic, in general, and who is more stubborn than me. and my only male bestfriend!!! he makes me smile. and hes cooollllll
me on my fone: omg i can't wait to walk through the rain!!! :) i love it!!!

brandon walking past me: hey mari it stopped raining!!!1
by texasgirl:) August 11, 2011
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A woman who is both fair but stern. She manages to rally people around her. Shes loving, kind, generous, and gentle. Get on her bad side, and she will make you regret it.. she is the type you turn to to help you, she will stand up for what she believes in-even alone. She does what is right. However sometimes she needs a reminder of who she is.
"There goes our beloved queen mari."
by texasgirl:) July 26, 2018
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a girl who trys not to be bitchy but has her moments. shes mostly a social butterfly, but can be a bit on the shy side, and usually is. she tends to "mother" people. she actually cares whether or not she says she does or not. she normally doesnt trust people to easy, she writes poetry,collects rocks and seashells. she loves football,soccer,and dodgeball. she absolutly loves the ocean and would do anything for it. shes smart, and adores music. shes great with kids,plants, and animals. she wants to be a vet. she absolutly detests people who call her beautiful or tell her they love her and dont actually mean it. she has an abhorance for people who lie, especially to her. she also very blunt and truthful.
i would know all this because i am mari!!! so :P!!!!!
by texasgirl:) April 2, 2011
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a very hot guy whos a bit of a man whore. he is eloquent with is words, and you believe them, even if you know better. goes by the nickname I , noone else, gave him, ninja.hes very flexible and great at gymnastics and wont tell me how. he prefers young women (he'd make a great vampire, if they were real lol) he has lots of people he calls friends but he doesnt actually understand the phrase "just friends". hes , deep down, a very good person just misunderstood.
hey ninja!!!

kris: hey how are you?!!

some other chick: be careful
by texasgirl:) April 2, 2011
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A man who thinks he's indistructable, and has a habit of rescuing damsels in distress. Hes funny, smart, fun, and easy on the eyes. He also has had my heart since day one. His story touched me, and I owe him my life too. He is nothing short of amazing.
"Superman, if you are reading this, this is the closest you'll get to me saying this aloud right now, but I love you. Love always, Queen Mari :)"
by texasgirl:) July 26, 2018
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a difficult if not tedious emotion that makes you feel and do some strange things. its both a blessing and a curse. and its needed.
**he loves you!!!**
by texasgirl:) April 22, 2011
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