I really do I just do- is when u just really really do, and u don't don't, u just really do and u do is so really really that u just do. but when u dont, u dont dont, because u really really do!!!!
by gh21205 January 12, 2023
by Dein mutter December 22, 2007
I really do. During my sleep and forget all of this. It’s not wealth that I envy; it is permanent tranquility and peace is what I want. Wealth is only a second best option.
I really do want to die, says I. After 24 years of getting nowhere, I’m becoming tired of chasing a mirage so-called a light at the end of this endless tunnel.
by Sadafboi January 23, 2022
Don't take this shit serious, i don't really go around peein' in girls butts (unless they ask) I wouldn't give a girl an Emeril (look it up, funny) I have never laid a "Hot Carl" between some ladies boobies. I love girls and wouldn't do anything to hurt them.
by Coby March 11, 2003
As long as they keep their fucking mouths shut for more than an hour. And as long as they don't dare to bring up some past event that occured years ago. And as soon as they learn to think before they speak. And as long as they learn to accept that males are and always have been the ones who propelled the human race from the Stone Age to what it is today.
by pigs are cool October 16, 2003
by El_Scorcho August 28, 2003