A Frisian word to describe someone who keeps on gossiping about other people. Named after a Frisian guy named Hendrik Kyp who spent his life gossiping about other people from his town.
Person: Did you hear Roelie's tits were fake? Kyp told me.
Me: No way dude, when?
Person: I was buying condoms at the grocery store and he just wouldn't shut up about it!
Me: Then it must be true. By the way last sunday he told me you were gay while I was on my way to play soccer.
by frisianprincess October 29, 2023
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"Know Your Place" Said to people who are lesser than you and attempt to challenge your dominance.
(John sits in Sam's seat)
Sam: Uh, John I think that's my seat.
John: No its not. Its a common seat!
Sam: No.
John: It doesn't have your name on it!
Sam: John, KYP.
(John stands up and finds a new seat)
by J.R. Celski February 24, 2014
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ackronym for Keep You Posted

see also: KMP ---> Keep Me Posted
Girl: "hey what are the plans for tonight?"
friend: "not 100% sure yet but i'll KYP"
Girl: "okay, sounds good!"
by batman10 September 18, 2011
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The coolest mf you'll ever meet. It's capable of ground shattering, world trembling farts that can gag a moose. He's a little crusty but it's okay cause he's hot and it adds charm. Also stupid good at art. If you need company get urself a Kyp. You can pick one up in your local forest.
Bro Kyp's assblast just killed Flint, we gotta evacuate!
by BruceWrangler69420 July 20, 2021
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ackronym for Keep yourself positive
A: I've been fired from my workplace!
An intellectual : It is might be for the better, you have to KYP!
by Intellectual2021 September 17, 2021
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a fat slob, who wishes to be a woman, so he grows his "man boobs" to enormous grotesque sizes. a person with over 8 nipples. someone with diarrhea of the mouth and constipation of the brain. someone with a very tiny penis, or lack of a penis. also known to have stripper moms. may have terrets.
If you don't stop porking fat chicks named suarez and eating twinkies all day people are going to think you are a kyp.
by Jim Horst November 15, 2007
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When a person leaves you're group and you force them to join back.
Wow, you've seriously got a Kyp Effect in you.
by YouLikeTeabags? August 13, 2016
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