by qwertynigga27 December 1, 2021
by Jeremyfisher445 November 4, 2023
The feeling of ownership over another population's land, resource access, and lives by way of having a god complex and religious scripture as testament to the right to commit criminal practices without accountability.
by The Palestinian Hawk June 19, 2022
To steal one's land, property, or belongings and claim it as one's own, then seek the aid of others to further cement the idea of the steal.
I've been israeled like never before. They stole my home and claimed it as theirs and the authority helped them legalize the steal.
by l44b1l November 3, 2023
by Mystery-o November 4, 2023
by nilurt October 17, 2008
a fun person with a perveted mind. not shy at all very outgoing and kind wil be there when u need him
by lafresa01 March 6, 2009