
"Invision, Dont you mean vision?......NO! invision.....when you invision something....dont you?"
by nikola newport October 10, 2011
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An awesome status on instant messaging services like AIM and Facebook chat that allow you appear offline in order to leave an awkward conversation or hide from someone but still remain online.
xxblablablaxx - We need to talk.
dudeguyman - Hold on i have to go take my grandma to the vet.
*changes status to invisible*
**dudeguyman has logged off**
by punkisdeadcv December 24, 2009
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1. Not visible; unseen

2. (Espec. in Iraq) Weapons of Mass Destruction.
1. I can't see you. Are you invisible?
by ieatmako June 19, 2004
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When people don’t notice you at all, whatsoever. Those types of people that no one really ever talks about because they blend in and never stand out. If they do talk about them, then it’s nothing bad. They _could_ pass judgement onto others, it depends. People don’t bully them because they’re pretty or handsome and good looking in General and they look smart or knowledgeable. They’re confidence and seemingly have good self esteem. They have a good amount of friends and excellent social skills. They can be talkative or quiet or both, but they aren’t obnoxiously loud.
I wish I were invisible. People always call me retarded and ugly as shit whenever I go. I look like an it. People sometimes ask out loud thinking I can’t hear them “is that a girl or boy?” and I stand out no matter what I do or say or how I act. I’d rather have no attention than to have the wrong type of attention that is unwanted.
by JaydeMariaa July 13, 2018
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What every person in the world sometimes wishes to become.
I wish I could be invisible a least for a while. That way, I could enter everywhere without paying and listening to people's chats without being noticed.
by Urban_Fellow July 10, 2006
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Unable to be seen.
I can't see it; is it invisible?
by Trilogy August 17, 2003
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Used to refer to something or someone which is conspicuously missing.
There was invisible happy at the funeral.

by Claire the Pear September 21, 2008
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