47 definitions by Urban_Fellow

when a large group of people attack a single person or a small group of people, usually innocent and unsuspecting, and beating him/them, sometimes to death, in a very violent and barbaric manner.
Lynch is a cowardly and disrespectful action, as the victim has no option of defending himself against the attackers, because they highly outnumber him.
As Jorge the Spanish-American was going home in the evening, a mob of Skin-Heads appeared from out of no-where, and started beating and stabbing him, then left him bleeding on the side-walk.

A long-lasting enmity between two gangs led to a lynch yesterday, when eight gang members lynched two members of another gang, beating them with baseball bats, killing one and causing the other serious injuries.
by Urban_Fellow September 26, 2007
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What every person in the world sometimes wishes to become.
I wish I could be invisible a least for a while. That way, I could enter everywhere without paying and listening to people's chats without being noticed.
by Urban_Fellow July 10, 2006
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A expression used to descrive a very smart/intellegent/talented person who doesn't manage to reach success, and therefore has to live in poverty.

The term is created from a distortion of name of the great fictional detective, Sherlock Holmes.
-Wow, this piano player is really good!
-Yes, I know, this is Glarinov. He is very talented, but no music experts eppreciate his talent, so he has to live as a Sherlock Homeless.
by Urban_Fellow July 1, 2006
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The reason why actually having a WIDE GENERAL KNOWLEDGE isn't cool anymore.
"You don't know who Rasputin was, do you?"
"Yes, I do. He was a Russian peasant who claimed to have special powers, and fooled the czar into thinking he is healing his son, while he was only using him to gain power and women and control."
"Nice! Are you a Russian, like me? Because there's no way you could have learned it at school."
"No, I just read it on Wikipedia"
by Urban_Fellow August 28, 2007
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Defined by the singer Pink in her song "Stupid Girls", stupid girls are shallow, slutty and un-intellegent women, in one word: girls that make more than 200 years of battle for women's rights not worth it.

"Stupid girls" don't want to work hard, gain their own rights and opinions about things like science, politics, culture&society... They don't want to study hard or get a good job; all they want is entertainment, shopping, possesions, being beautiful and have the best boyfriend, and about all the rest- who cares?
Though I don't like Pink's music style, as a supporter of Feminism and women's rights (hey, and I'm a guy!) I totally agree with her lyrics of "Stupid Girls":

Maybe if I act like that, that guy will call me back...
Go to Fred Segal, you'll find them there.
Laughing loud so all the little people stare.
Looking for a daddy to pay for the champagne...
(Drop a name)

What happened to the dreams of a girl president?
She's dancing in the video next to 50 Cent...
They travel in packs of two or three,
With their itsy bitsy doggies and their teeny-weeny tees
Where, oh where, have the smart people gone?
Oh where, oh where could they be?

Disease's growing, it's epidemic
I'm scared that there ain't a cure
The world believes it and I'm going crazy
I cannot take any more!
I'm so glad that I'll never fit in
That will never be me
Outcasts and girls with ambition
That's what I wanna see
Disasters all around
World despaired
Their only concern
Will they **** up my hair

Maybe if I act like that, that guy will call me back
Porno Paparazzi girl, I don't wanna be a stupid girl
by Urban_Fellow July 5, 2006
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What Democracy turns into when all of the politicians in your country are liars.

When no party/President that wins the election manages to keep its/his own ideology, and instead, keeps changing it every time it/he feels like it, that's no democracy. That's hypocracy.
by Urban_Fellow October 19, 2007
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It means to go through a hard experience, be defeated, or humiliated in a very bad way, and yet face it with bravery, not break, and rise again stronger than before.
Jerry has been put through a very hard time with his first writings. They have been criticised, banned from many places, declared a complete waste of time and money.
Nevertheless, Jerry did not surrender and kept on his work. He reanalyzed his mistakes, fixed them, and his next book became a bestseller.

What Jerry has been put through is what I would call: Eat shit and feel good.
by Urban_Fellow July 6, 2006
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