
noun, a term of affection for a lovable, silly, lighthearted person. Always easy to poke fun at without actually meaning harm.
Person 1: Daisy is such a goober.
Person 2: But that is why we all love her.
by Goobcity January 18, 2015
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A term of endearment used in place of a person's real name. It is a nickname.

A goober is a loveable goofball who is incredibly well meaning and extremely attractive.

Their good natures make them totally fun and irresistible.
Goober is a new form of AWESOME.
"I was talking to Tony today, and I can't believe how much of a Goober he is!"
by Awesome-One May 24, 2012
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It means peanut, but we don't use it for talking about peanuts. When a person calls you a goober, take it as a compliment. A "goober" is generally a funny person. The person could be odd, weird, outstanding, popular, social. When called a goober, just laugh. Goober is higher than weird, it's nicer to be called.

Goober could also be used sarcastically. Used sarcastically could be talking towards a serious, stuck-up, or sensitive person. If you want to tick someone off, be sure to call this in front of the person.
Ex 1.
Tannie: Jorgen's such a freaken goober. He ticks me off every time.
Bah: I know! He's so serious.

Ex 2.
Bah: Drew is such a goober.
Tannie: hahahhahhaa yeah he's hilarious!
by tanya_sue June 16, 2008
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A term of endearment used in place of a person's real name. It is a nickname. A goober is a loveable goofball who is incredibly well meaning and extremely attractive. Goobers are often the source of unexpected and inappropriate comments or outbursts. Their good natures make them totally fun and irresistibly sexy. Anyone lucky enough to love a goober will never be bored.
John: “Kim is such a goober!”

Ray: “Yeah, I can’t help but love her.”
by thunjett August 17, 2009
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A complete idiot who gets no poon and is basically the least likely to get any girls in the friend group. A group of goobers is called goobs. Common characteristics of a goober include: funny looking, clumsy, obese, low iq. This term was originated in Cranford New Jersey, by a red headed man.
Look at that funny looking fat kid! Hes a total Goober!
by kevinkeogh January 28, 2019
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