1) A word that, by definition, means for EVERYBODY.
2) A situation where a woman, a black gay guy, and a straight white male walk into a job interview and the person with the most experience, references, and credentials gets the job.
2) A situation where a woman, a black gay guy, and a straight white male walk into a job interview and the person with the most experience, references, and credentials gets the job.
1) Person A: I agree that equality is important, but don't you think our gender should be given special privileges?
Person B: No way, equality is for everybody, not just us.
2) Person A: So, who you gonna hire for the accounting job?
Person B: Probably whoever has the most experience, references, and credentials.
Person B: No way, equality is for everybody, not just us.
2) Person A: So, who you gonna hire for the accounting job?
Person B: Probably whoever has the most experience, references, and credentials.
by Simple_As_Sun July 29, 2011
I believe in equality because I believe everyone should have the equal rights except those who don’t agree, they are morons and don’t know shit.
by Patriotic white male November 21, 2017
by FlareKitsune August 5, 2009
by Iggleboz October 9, 2018
6 in Supreme Mathematics
the state or quality of being equal, meaning to deal equally with all in existence
the state or quality of being equal, meaning to deal equally with all in existence
Equality is achieved by teaching others Knowledge and Wisdom, and making it understood through Understanding.
by LiquidSwords October 13, 2005
An illusion that people think they have control of. Many think that they need to be equal to each other so everyone can have equal chances at things, but they also believe that they are their own special little person. Aside from almost directly contradicting themselves equality would drown the complication and surprise of your life, it is necessary to a "fulfilled" lifestyle. Furthermore, you don't need to have the same amount as everyone else, you need the amounts needed to be happy. In many circumstances these are low amounts. Especially with money.
Socialist: I really wish our leader believed in equality so no one is in complete governmental dominance.
AcidAimCat: I really wish that there were no government sometimes.
AcidAimCat: I really wish that there were no government sometimes.
by AcidAimCat March 9, 2017
Equality is what people who have no beliefs preach about believing in. No two people are the same, therefore no two people are equal. Every person as different as a fingerprint or a tigers stripe, so why wouldn't each person of each race or group try to be different and outstanding instead of trying to be the same as each other? A bigot believes one race or group is better than the next, you can be different than somebody without having to be better, worse, or the same.
There was never any such thing as equality. Since the beginning of time, every person was different than the next so people who preach about equality are bullshit.
by Solid Mantis March 24, 2018