what you say to something far fetched that only an idiot would belive
Jacob- I am currently a professional tennis player and has 3 supermodel girlfriends.

Eunice- Umm... Nice Try! Do you take me for a fool?
by emekablue July 9, 2009
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(v.) A phrase used as a response to another's unworthy chance at a come back when called out.
Levi - "Your complete dork dude...."
Slice -"Yeah, nice try. Why don't you try and think of something innovative you chumpaholic."
by fuckerIdid! April 29, 2003
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An expression used when someone fails to execute a task that should be well within their skill level. Typically heard from parents at sporting events.
Nice try! After a U15 soccer player fails to score a goal from close range or an unguarded (open) net.

Or When a High School softball/baseball player allows a fly ball to fall (or bounce) out of their glove.

Or When an uncovered receiver drops a well thrown ball in the end zone.
by Sparkurton June 8, 2015
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When you are still unimpressed with someone’s best try, despite the fact that they did their best, but acknowledging that they did put their heart to it.

The expression is believed to have originated from an Italian immigrant in Malta in the early 21st century.
A guy tries all his slickest moves to get a hot girl to bed, but she’s not having it, so she says “nice try, Samurai
by dfnslvtr May 21, 2023
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When someone tries to get information about your firearms in Canada for unknown reasons.
Potential RCMP" hey guys heres a useful tool to catalog your firearms"

User " nice try RCMP "
by NotTheRCMP March 13, 2017
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Following several accusations against rapper Sean (P. Diddy) Combs, this comment is used on various ads and posts to make fun of the fact that P. Diddy has ventured into many unrelated enterprises.

It is a way of saying “Nice try diddy you’re not taking my money”.
*Sees an ad for shaving cream on IG*

Me: “Nice try Diddy
by DylTheDiver July 9, 2024
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