Feminism is a word that means equal rights for women. Technically, most feminists should actually be called humanists. I'll ignore that since it was, and to some extent still is an important movement. Way back in the day, life was pretty damn bad for women everywhere. No vote, no driving, you know about that stuff anyway. Eventually, much of the inequality dissappeared, thanks to the hard wark of early feminism. Sadly some still persist to this day. Fortunately, most people accept that such social changes are bound to be gradual, and eventually, true equality will exist. This is the type of world that everyone should strive to live in, not just feminists. But alas, in more recent times, there has been a growing movement of "militant feminism". This is alternatively known as female chauvenism, and feminazism. These people often demand MORE rights than men have, usually by arguing that they are superior to men and blame men for everything. Yes men started wars. Are you saying that women wouldn't have? Hilary Clinton supported the Iraq war. Margeret Thatcher sent troops to the Falklands. To propagate such a view on men is a sexist view you chauvenist pig-bitch. Such a view is not part of feminism, or at least it's original usage of the word. These people are betraying the women who fought for their rights. Possibly the worst part about them is that they are either the prevalent female authors and commenters for feminism on urban dictionary, or that these women are denying the existence female sexism that has taken seed among the femism movement. I've talked to these people. In real life. Not on the net. They DO exist.
Feminist of the militant variety(Yes, she actually said this):"It's not fair to generalise women, men allways do that" and "men shouldn't have any say in abortion"
Me:"I'd say TITS OR GTFO, but you're pretty damn fuck-fugly)
Feminism gets a bad name because of these asshats
Me:"I'd say TITS OR GTFO, but you're pretty damn fuck-fugly)
Feminism gets a bad name because of these asshats
by N00bKannon June 14, 2008
In the USA, a movement created by the government to turn non-taxable labor (raising children) into taxed labor thus stealing more money from an ignorant population of tax slaves. Women foolishly believe this has some aim of helping women when it has only led to miserable working women buried in student loan debt who aren't even free to raise their own children. Hitler enacted free child are right away too..not to help women but to start the indoctrination of children even earlier. This movement has basically destroyed the family unit in the USA leaving unwed births at more than 50%.
Looking back on her life choices and down the barrel of 100k in school loans the professional woman now wonders why if feminism was about choices and equality....why was being a stay at home mother never a choice...
by Mtxjohn January 27, 2013
The belief that women are and should be treated as potential intellectual equals and social equals to men. These people can be either male or female human beings, although the ideology is commonly (and perhaps falsely) associated mainly with women.
The basic idea of Feminism revolves around the principle that just because human bodies are designed to perform certain procreative functions, biological elements need not dictate intellectual and social functions, capabilities, and rights.
Feminism also, by its nature, embraces the belief that all people are entitled to freedom and liberty within reason--including equal civil rights--and that discrimination should not be made based on gender, sexual orientation, skin color, ethnicity, religion, culture, or lifestyle.
Feminists--and all persons interested in civil equality and intellectuality--are dedicated to fighting the ignorance that says people are controlled by and limited to their biology.
The basic idea of Feminism revolves around the principle that just because human bodies are designed to perform certain procreative functions, biological elements need not dictate intellectual and social functions, capabilities, and rights.
Feminism also, by its nature, embraces the belief that all people are entitled to freedom and liberty within reason--including equal civil rights--and that discrimination should not be made based on gender, sexual orientation, skin color, ethnicity, religion, culture, or lifestyle.
Feminists--and all persons interested in civil equality and intellectuality--are dedicated to fighting the ignorance that says people are controlled by and limited to their biology.
Feminism is the belief that all people are entitled to the same civil rights and liberties and can be intellectual equals regardless of gender. However, you should still hold the door for a feminist; this is known as respect or politeness and need have nothing whatever to do with gender discrimination.
by The Thinker-Writer February 1, 2010
The feminist movement was something that occurred really throughout the 20th century. Starting in 1920 when wen gained the right to vote and again in the 1980's when women really started to break away from their traditional roles in western society.
These days feminism is being rejected by many young women. This is because these days young girls feel they have just as much opportunity to make a living as men.
Now days the connotation of feminism has changed from the original denotation of the word. Now feminism has a new common meaning "believing women deserve special treatment" while this is NOT the actual dictionary definition of the word, it is what most people mean when they talk about feminism these days.
Consequently, many young women feel the need for change has past and with it the need to identify as a feminist.
The young women who still identify with feminism are on the more "radical" side of the scale and feel women are still not equal and want even more benefits given on top if the affirmative action already provided for being a women in western society (more scholarship opportunities, more access to government assisted living, and government subsidies for owning their own business). These are the radical women who have given feminism a bad name.
These days feminism is being rejected by many young women. This is because these days young girls feel they have just as much opportunity to make a living as men.
Now days the connotation of feminism has changed from the original denotation of the word. Now feminism has a new common meaning "believing women deserve special treatment" while this is NOT the actual dictionary definition of the word, it is what most people mean when they talk about feminism these days.
Consequently, many young women feel the need for change has past and with it the need to identify as a feminist.
The young women who still identify with feminism are on the more "radical" side of the scale and feel women are still not equal and want even more benefits given on top if the affirmative action already provided for being a women in western society (more scholarship opportunities, more access to government assisted living, and government subsidies for owning their own business). These are the radical women who have given feminism a bad name.
Example of the new connotation of a feminism:
"Goddamn did you hear that bitch talking about how employers should have to pay for their female employees' birth control and pregnancy tests?!"
"Yea man! That chick's gotta be a feminist."
"Goddamn did you hear that bitch talking about how employers should have to pay for their female employees' birth control and pregnancy tests?!"
"Yea man! That chick's gotta be a feminist."
by Gatewatcher September 23, 2014
Here's the problems defining feminism:
1. The definition is old as fuck and if you think the meanings of words don't change over time or vary from culture to culture then you're delusional, and using an appeal to definition fallacy.
2. Feminism is a movement, and as with all movements their goals change over time.
In short, the current dictionary definition is unreliable. Modern feminists campaign for "safe spaces" (spaces in which free speech is shit on, sometimes segregated by race and gender), an end to "man-spreading". More radicals will call for things such as national castration day and shipping of all men to concentration camps. If you identify as a feminist, and you do not believe in the false victim narratives, the concepts of patriarchy, toxic masculinity and internalised misogyny, then my question to you is why on earth would you tie yourself to a movement that by in large does. Feminism does not equal equality, it's simply a vehicle towards it; unfortunately, the vehicle bounced right off the metaphorical wall of equality and got launched so far back that the driver decided to say "fuck it" and reverse as far as they could. If you wish to be someone who believes in equality without being tied down to a movement so incompetent that they believe that the gender wage gap is down to sexism, I suggest you look into egalitarianism.
1. The definition is old as fuck and if you think the meanings of words don't change over time or vary from culture to culture then you're delusional, and using an appeal to definition fallacy.
2. Feminism is a movement, and as with all movements their goals change over time.
In short, the current dictionary definition is unreliable. Modern feminists campaign for "safe spaces" (spaces in which free speech is shit on, sometimes segregated by race and gender), an end to "man-spreading". More radicals will call for things such as national castration day and shipping of all men to concentration camps. If you identify as a feminist, and you do not believe in the false victim narratives, the concepts of patriarchy, toxic masculinity and internalised misogyny, then my question to you is why on earth would you tie yourself to a movement that by in large does. Feminism does not equal equality, it's simply a vehicle towards it; unfortunately, the vehicle bounced right off the metaphorical wall of equality and got launched so far back that the driver decided to say "fuck it" and reverse as far as they could. If you wish to be someone who believes in equality without being tied down to a movement so incompetent that they believe that the gender wage gap is down to sexism, I suggest you look into egalitarianism.
What a surprise, that teacher force feeding those young girls identity politics and a victim narrative bigger than Kim Kardashians ass is a big advocate for feminism
by Logicfag July 1, 2016
The ideology of radical, fascist women who believe that the true advancement of the women's cause will only be fully realized when they achieve the destruction of the male kind, and the consumption of their bloody carcasses. The feminists retain complete control of their bodies, often ripping out screaming fetuses days before birth, later burning them before effigies of their main trinity of goddesses: Susan B. Anthony, Simone de Beauvoir, and Alison Bechdel. Others protest the "oppression" of the male kind through castration of unwitting sexual partners. Many feminists are reported to engage in spontaneous blood-crazed lesbian orgies at the sight of the mass burnings of male genitalia and bra-toting Victoria's Secret models (symbols of the "oppression"). Hordes of these "equality warriors" are known to roam the streets of off-beat neighborhoods, ganging up on Christian children, and drinking their blood whilst chanting from their bible, "The Feminine Mystique". They will tell you that they only desire equality, or "egalitarianism" and use liberal trickery (like the oft debunked "pay gap"), but be warned, they will kill any man it takes to get what they seek: a world where men not subject to mass genocide are herded into farms and harvested for their sperm.
Man: That's okay, I'll take care of the check.
Proceeds to lunge at man and gnaw off his bloody member before holding it in the air triumphantly.
Feminist: Heterosexuality is the opiate of the masses! Die cis scum! Long live feminism!
Proceeds to lunge at man and gnaw off his bloody member before holding it in the air triumphantly.
Feminist: Heterosexuality is the opiate of the masses! Die cis scum! Long live feminism!
by yourcreepygrandpadavidlynch May 19, 2015
"I may not have a guy willing to fuck me, but I've got enough money from the government to buy a horse-sized dildo! Thank you Feminism!"
by Zoomba McFresh July 24, 2014