
Very used in the Jamaican dialect

The initial ac is usually dropped in fast spoken speech reducing it to coutrements (couchements)
COUNTABLE NOUN usually plural
Accoutrements are all the things you have with you when you travel or when you take part in a particular activity.
humorous, or old-fashioned

Commonwealth spelling of accouterments

An article of clothing or equipment, in particular when used as an accessory.
Synonyms: equipment, gear, trappings, accessory
The yard is full of accoutrements. Daddy can hardly find where to walk.
by Tropical Rythms March 5, 2022
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accessory required for a particular activity. The definition varies depending on context. For example, at a party it may refer to one's "works" (razors, lighters, straws) which are necessary to prepare drugs for use. During sex, it could refer to condoms, lube, toys, etc.
Does anyone have a bill, I forgot to bring my accoutrements!
by brooklyn516 September 20, 2004
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"accoutrements" is a French word that means "getup" in its origin country, but means "paraphernalia" in Urban English. (see the "brooklyn516" definition for the complete definition).
"attirail" is the French equivalent of the Urban English word "accoutrements"
Bring your accoutrements with you while coming, I can't find mines to repair the machine.
by Loup Solitaire November 11, 2007
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A word, that weird people use to describe clothing or something else on the body.
Look! The weird guy is talking about his accoutrements again.
by koleon03 November 6, 2019
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A pretentious expression used to describe one's personal collection of items used to enhance masturbation. (Dirty magazines, dildoes, lubricant etc.)

A way of describing an unenthusiastic sexual partner.
Also can be used to describe how one felt during sexual relations with an untalented or selfish partner.
Once I've retrieved my collection of masturbatory accoutrements, I shall commence with the jerking of my jizzer.

We were sleeping together, but she always just laid there. She was more like a masturbatory accoutrement than a fuck buddy.

All he wanted to do was get off and then leave. For all the pleasure I got out of it, I felt more like a masturbatory accoutrement than someone who'd just gotten laid.
by dumbslut August 10, 2006
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Dad: Honey, assemble your belongings, we need to leave.
Daughter: What?
Dad: S'il vous plais, accoutre-merde! Tout suit, mon petite dejuener!
Daughter: Oh, ok, I'll get ready to leave right now...
by Sketchy the Benz April 15, 2008
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The discarded tissue of the penile foreskin resulting from the circumcision procedure as performed on a male human.
Igor: Dr. Hubbard, when you perform the circumcision on me, can you save the accoutrement and give it to me afterward?
Dr. Hubbard: Sure, Igor. And if I miss the foreskin and cut off your entire penis, I'll give that to you instead.
by Extremityman December 2, 2023
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