
a drink (usually whisky/whiskey) taken at bedtime to aid a better sleep.
i'm a bit agitated i think i'll have nightcap
by Caleb Worsharski November 27, 2003
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Sex (thinly veiled euphemism for)
"Would you care to come upstairs for a nightcap?"

Translation: "Am I getting laid tonight or not, lady?"
by Alexandra August 17, 2004
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by Harm September 1, 2003
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a alcoholic drink taken just before bedtime
I don't need a nightcap to get to sleep.
by The Return of Light Joker January 3, 2009
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traditionally, a drink had after dinner. or right before bed. as opposed to capping off a long night of drinking
We had an aperetif before dinner and a wine at dinner let's have a nightcap while we play cards and then go to bed,
by Anonymous September 9, 2003
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An excuse to get a hot date from the car into her apartment.
"Want to come up for a nightcap? I've got a mean stiffy!"
by tenebras September 15, 2003
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a late night smoke session, specifically with the intent of going to bed immediately following said session.

to smoke by yourself right before bed, using the session as a sleep aid. (potheads swear by it)

can be a personal session, (by yourself) or a social session (with friends)
"I think imma save half this L for a nightcap."

"Yo, I'm bout to go 2 bed but i got a bowl of that gooood packed up, you should come thru for a nightcap."
by banksisasurething February 4, 2010
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