
not available to you or any other of your skanky friends!
My boyfriend is taken.
by Ashlee August 6, 2003
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When some girl/woman is already with some loser, and even though he's an asshole who brags behind her back about how many BJs and how much sex he gets from her, she still thinks he's the best thing since sliced bread and may never know the difference because she's clueless and ignorant. She thinks she loves him, while the only thing the boyfriend is sure of, is how much he loves that pussy, and how he'll tell her whatever she wants to hear to ensure he keeps getting it. The girl/woman, of course, is totally oblivious to this. Meanwhile the guys in her life who truly care about her are left neglected and rejected because, for whatever unknown reason, girls/women are seemingly naturally attracted to assholes and pricks.
Why the hell are you hanging out with Mary? You know she's taken.
by VonZippa June 7, 2004
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a word you use when
1. Being pestered by some dude that you have no interest in and want to go away by informing him you have a boyfriend, and he has no chance with you... >.>
2. You notice someone is behaving past the boundaries of just friends with someone who is currently involved with another, and doesn't feel the same way.
3. You're involved with someone, and you're telling someone about it.
4. You hear that someone is involved with someone, but you want to hear it directly from them.
1. "I'm sorry, but i'm taken. it was nice talking to you though." *Runs away*
2. "Hey, i've seen the way you are around Cathrine. You're well aware she's taken. time to back off a bit there buddy..."
3. "Yeah, I'm taken."
4. "Hey, I hear you're taken, is that true?"
by -Sam- March 21, 2008
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in Wexford, Ireland, ''taken'' means really embarrassed
''she fell over, she's taken''

''state of him, he's taken''
by kaoife cawkins April 5, 2009
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when a young naive girl is abducted and subsequently trafficked/murdered in a remote location, ie: Peru, Thailand

based on the blockbuster film "Taken" starring Liam (Bad Ass Motherfucker) Neeson
Person 1: My sister and I are going on a trip to Mexico for a weeklong stay!

Person 2: Be careful dude, don't get taken
by am87 August 13, 2010
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It means when the person isn’t available for kidnapping
Charlotte isn’t taken so you can go kidnap her”

Hannah is taken so you can’t kidnap her”
by yeet yeehaw July 15, 2019
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