A girl with an Applebottom, or huge ass so big that you can use it to hold up cups and drinks
I put my beer on Donna's End Table Ass while i was hitting it from the back
by sose July 24, 2004
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Shafted; Not given the best of something; When you receive the smallest fudgy oat square.
"I got the smallest cookie"
"looks like you received the short end of the pineapple on that one!"
by E February 21, 2005
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Shit - you never saw that one coming.
"She's going to save herself till marriage?"


"But she looks like a pornstar. She always shows off her tits, and flirts, and flaunts it!"

"I know it's like the Usual Suspects ending."

"Fuck. I'd dump her if I were you. Dirty cock tease."
by pH Balance January 31, 2008
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"Everywhere at the End of Time" is an album exploring dementia. I forgot who produced it.
"Hey Frankie, did you listen to "Everywhere at the End of Time" yet? It's an album exploring dementia"

"Grandpa, my name is Joey"
"Grandpa, are you feeling okay?"
by TwerkingPandaMonkey September 7, 2021
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To mistakenly believe your period is over and not wear a pad or tampon..and wake up in a bloody spot symbolizing a Japanese flag.
I thought my period was over but I was wrong and ended up in Japan again smh
by ShondaShonda April 7, 2018
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the living end : Maggie's hair
Maggie's hair IS the living end.
by Zaninator November 21, 2004
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Those who choose Homosexuality for themselves cannot procreate: two men cannot create a child, two women cannot create a child. Sexually abusing others into homosexuality is not sexual reproduction. As an evolutionary dead-end queers poor moral choices are on the rise. Protect your children!
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