someone who is exceptionally skilled in oral sex
your wife is a real mouth doctor
by mouth doctor May 10, 2019
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The profession of checking a males anal cavities for space crabs by placing his nose inside the butthole.
Did you go see Jj Anal Doctor yesterday?

Ya I have space crabs
by Big D*CK February 23, 2023
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Prison. I don't feel so gooooooood

Plague Doctor. he is fucking stuped
by Doctor124 August 17, 2021
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I don’t wanna go out clubbing tonight, I’ll just stay home and dial the doctor”
by CowboyRoy December 31, 2022
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Doctoring can be simply defined as having overwhelming odds in your favor but still offering congratulations to the victor before victory has even occurred in hopes of thwarting the tides of victory to said victim.
In Fastasy Football for Example, Diggstown Dalies sends a congrats text message to Beers and Tears, even though the game was in hand thus Doctoring in hopes of keeping the tides from having any chance of changing.
by December 4, 2020
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1. A Fandom combining Doctor Who, Supernatural, and Firefly.

2. Reference to Cocaine

3. A way to say that something is the ultimate level of awesome.
1. Her fic was Doctor Superfly! I'm talking the TARDIS, Metallicar, AND Serenity!

2. Lyrics: Don't wanna do it cos it makes you bleed,
It's gonna bleed you dry, bleed you dry.

You get no warning - watch out here comes Doctor Superfly,
You can't stop yawning, coming up with Doctor Superfly.

3. Dude: Man how was your day?
You: awesome.
Dude: bet mine was better.
You: Doubt it. My day was Doctor Superfly!
Dude: Awww, man! You always have the best sh*t happen to you!
by Dr.SuperFlyMD February 12, 2012
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