To secretly read a book that belongs to someone and then gloat about it.
I will utterly stonk you up.
by Beware, for I am a stonker! March 22, 2004
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To get a boner when excited by fat girls
"Did you see that he was rolling on the bed with that chick"

"EUGH, i saw he got a stonk on"
by Will Yea September 20, 2007
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To be very, very stoked but in a seemingly apathetic way.
Dude 1: I know you can’t tell but he’s beyond excited about that raise

Dude 2: so he’s stonked?

Dude 1: that’s not a real word

Dude 2: ...
by Ldiggitydawg April 8, 2020
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Stocks that have made great increases in value over a short amount of time.
"Man, today I made some fat gains on my badonka-stonks"
by garnetinky January 10, 2021
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A friend being stupid at the bar. Could be from being drunk or just being a tool.
Dude, quit being a stonk donkler and order me a beer!
by infiltrator June 5, 2009
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An intensely erotic position in which a female places her head inside the rectum of a elephant while a male, or other female with a strap-on, penetrates her from behind.
Don't let Cindy go to the circus! She'll want to perform a stonk hoopa.
by mwheele2 May 5, 2008
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