People who summarize entire races and/or cultures in one or very little experiences with those types of people; people who are bigots and say rash comments about entire races and/or cultures withe very little knowledge.
ignorant people use stereotypes by saying that immigrants come to the United States by boat and illegally.
by deshan November 15, 2006
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"Waffles are the same as pancakes, Frank"
by baruchel August 8, 2014
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guy 1: all im sayin is that i cant agree with abortion because it is still life.

liberal: your ignorant!!!
by Preezy P June 10, 2008
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alot of people, especially on this site. someone who sees a situation from their own point of view and thinks they're right no matter what because they can't see it from any other angle.
That kid over there is a loser with no life and is a complete idiot caus hes smoking weed/drinking underage...

(the person saying that would be ignorant)
by jimmy January 23, 2005
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The social, economic and political act of the reinforcement and entrenchment of ignorance in culture by engaging in conversations and correspondence that precludes actually knowing what the fuck you are talking about. A major skill for desperate people trying to keep their job, truly afraid of being seen as a pariah and becoming an outcast.
"Everyone's ignorating like crazy the worse the economy gets! But I don't waste my time being a 'splainer ' because it's all just a pathetic act of self-preservation."
by panic oasis January 6, 2018
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Foley has displayed a large amount of ignorance during lockdown
by kanskak May 31, 2020
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An adjective used to describe an event that results in something good happening, or overall personal gain.
After an insane pump at the gym, Lor Rob said, "That was the most ignorant pump I have ever gotten!"

After purchasing a immense amount of alcohol and renting out a house for the weekend, Diggs said, "This weekend is going to be outrageously ignorant!"
by JordiFan May 16, 2022
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