A monopoly that you cannot boycott
Hey look, the government has just killed 5,000 people in some other country. Ah well, gotta keep paying taxes.
by carlbobdannyfrank the IV July 17, 2019
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An adjective used to describe something of high quality or high likeability.
Dusty Diamond's All-Star Softball is really government.
by Sleepy Floyd October 10, 2007
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An evil system that drains everyone's money and makes them live miserable lives. No wonder there are so many homeless people.
I can't even explain how evil the government is and how stupid the system is.
by CAN'T TELL YOU. March 2, 2014
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Someone's full name. (First, middle, and last)
Chris Brown: 'Damn nigga why you gotta be shouting out my government like that?'
by xtonks February 11, 2009
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A machine sent back in time to terminate Gray Davis and become GOVERNER of CALEEFORNIA.
by JACK BAUER September 30, 2003
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That guy in the group who skips the plan in the last minute
Please confirm if you are really coming. Dont be a governer tomorrow.
by digambaran December 24, 2019
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Half governor, half cyborg... a hyper-alloy combat chasis surrounded by living tissue, sent back by Skynet to become the governor of California.
"That Governator is out there, it can't be bargined with, it can't be resoned with, and it will not stop, ever... until he is elected."
by Anonymous October 14, 2003
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