beyond fucked up= bon-ked
ahh lord i was bonked lastnight
by cubanchiko November 16, 2006
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1.crazy shit, something out of the norm
Dude Jenny just did a backflip, thats fuckin bonk.
by Jennifer Trombley June 7, 2006
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Communicating via various online chat platforms while sober yet implementing an inebriated persona due to an overall lackadaisical disposition.
He was IMing me all night, bonking as he always does.
by Alley Cats October 26, 2011
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Gurl that guy right durr is so bonk!
by Joary July 23, 2013
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"yo a rat jumped out of Calvin's bonk last period.
by Michelle March 28, 2004
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under the influence, trashed, drunk, smashed, wasted or otherwise incoheirant
dude that party was hot! I got so bonked
by Zach June 2, 2004
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