Followers/Fans someone well known, bodering on adulation. These acolyte/synchophants will swear on every word their idol speaks, dressing like,and speaking like, their 'Todd'.

Origins from Beavis and Butthead episode.....'Todd's Cool'.
'Dude, the guy is a total Todd Worshiper'
by meander101 April 24, 2009
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This is attaching an almost sacred reverence for the vagina, at the expense of real sex for the guy. So he's always horny.

In a sense, all guys worship pussy. But real pussy worship means a wussy getting on his knees and praying to the bearded clam, being mostly horny and begging for sex, etc.
John is really into pussy worship. That's why his knees are always dirty, he has tuna breath, and his dick is always hard and dripping ....
by Le Corbeau Noir October 18, 2006
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Derogatory name for someone who practices any of a number of Pagan/Wiccan/Druidic faiths. Named because these religeons usually prescribe a close relationship with nature. Many followers also exhibit strong opinions regarding the environment due to their beliefs.
Looks like the dirt worshipers finally got the sawmill closed.
by 1Spectre4U October 22, 2003
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The religious system involving the devotion to the great and awesome female gluteus maximus.
Now gentlemen and lesbians. Let us all stand for our daily booty worship
by the funny one February 18, 2016
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to vigorously strangle the shaft of the male's penis in a fluent up and down motion until the male ejaculates in the name of the lord
are you going to worship the bishop today?
by marqueezy April 3, 2017
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What a worship service becomes once charismatic elements like holy laughter get out of hand. A worship circus deviates from a clear order and intentionality in a worship service.
"So why was that guy making people fall down without touching them, and encouraging people to laugh from their bellies?"
"Dude, you just experienced a 'worship circus'."
by MizunoBara February 6, 2010
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1.) Like Muscle Worship admiration of a male pectoral muscles whether they're big, thick, or beefy.
2.) The rubbing and touching a guy's chest muscles for one's pleasure
After my gym partner and I finished our workout, I asked to perform a Pec worship and he looked at me like I was crazy; but he said "You got $50?" and I said "Deal"

Guy 1: You pecs feel awesome

Guy 2: Thanks man (this is weird) I do my best
by GoldDrago8789 July 1, 2020
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