Used as an insult, such as dick, douche, or even bitch.
"I heard that guy punched Tommy in the balls so hard, he had to go to the hostpital.
"Really? What a spoon."


"Haha, that Josh kid doesn't even know what an HM in the game Pokemon is."
"Wow, he's such a spoon."
by Nuetral October 18, 2013
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A boy who likes to lead a girl on and then drop her like a hot stone when they get together.
likes to dump girls over text.
''Connor is a totall spoon! he dumped Georgina over text man!
by GabbisaurTuttle December 29, 2010
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1) An insult given to one who is rather unintelligent.
2) A piece of silverware use to eat with.
3) An object used to dig the spagma from ones foreskin.
by Jackie November 1, 2003
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University of Kentucky student.
See: Cockwrangler definition.
Spoon is a cockwrangler.
Spoon is a GAY.
by Chris Shain/ JJ Tulbs/ Nick December 5, 2004
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1. Un-conditional surrender.

2. Complete and udder rape

3. A utensil consisting of a small, shallow bowl on a handle, used in preparing, serving, or eating food.
1. I spoon you

2. You were spooned last night
by Zaku November 25, 2003
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LLoyd is one. Usually someone who is quite stupid with lol intelligence.
by Laura/Katie/Lloyd March 13, 2004
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Spooning is another word for offending. It is derived from the feeling of that someone is digging out a part of your heart with a spoon by saying something mean to you.
"Dude, Jeniffer totally spooned me last night when she told me she'd slept with Joe."

by Jerven February 28, 2007
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