A variation of pool, where your opponent will put his scrotum over the pocket, so if his opponent lands the shot, he is hit in the testicles with the full force of the shot.
Romanian #1: Romanian #3’s balls are swollen the size of tennis balls
Romanian #2: Damn, did you guys get into some Romanian pool last night?
Romanian #1: fuck yea
by NugDealer69420xx March 13, 2022
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when a woman gives you a blow job with a bar of soap so she can give your penis a good cleaning.
even though they were a poor couple, she gave him The romanian dishwasher so he could stay fresh.
by naked in bed November 15, 2011
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When a Romanian Prostitute smoke a cigarette through her nostril while simultaneously sucking a cock and doesn’t stop while exhaling the smoke through both nostrils.
Vlad the Impaler preferred his prostitutes to perform the Romanian Dragon so they could smoke their cigarettes and continue servicing him without a break.
by BmoreSword September 29, 2021
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When a man is giving anal to his girlfriend he awkwardly whispers in her ear "i fucked your sister/best friend like this last night and she was way better than you" and he tries to continue giving her anal for as long as possible while she tries to pull forward
guy: For banter I gave my girlfriend the romanian rodeo last night
friend : is that why your now single?
guy: yeah... :'(
by The Alaskan Firedragon September 8, 2014
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The act or acts of punishing a young Romanian prostitute with fierce hammering blows to the groin. Usually perpetrated by a young white male tourist featuring a prominent bald spot.
by Long Beach Raider November 11, 2008
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a guy kissing a girl on her lower lips and trying to stick his tongue as deep as possible
John is known for his skills in Romanian kissing : girls just love it!
by mr.wisdom June 5, 2010
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