The smell of a dirty ass female who hasn't washed her thang in 3 months!
Holy Shi...That girl is rank!
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to be in someone's face or there be on to someone's scheme!
by DARREN M. TOEWS March 27, 2004
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A name, noun, or verb used for someone who is excessivly flirtatious or flirting while having no chance of succeeding

Often used with the prefix "Dr."
"That guy was sure "rankin'" on her!"

"Look at Dr. Rank working his unholy magic!"
by Andrew March 25, 2005
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when you're supposed to hang out with someone and then don't
Remember we're going to the movies tomorrow and don't rank at the last minute like you did last time!
by APants October 8, 2007
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To be completely and utterly drunk and stoned. (This may also apply to being only very drunk.)
"Load a bowl and pass me a beer, I'm going to get ranked."
"I'm so fucking ranked!"
Though Tom likes his beer, he always needs to smoke a few bowls to get ranked.
by Jojobah November 18, 2007
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Adjective describing an unsavory, horrifying, or even unholy stench, such as what comes from a goddamn vagina.
"Good gravy, what in hell is that rank foulness?"

"I think it's your wife's goddamn vagina."
by MyNameIsFrank March 2, 2008
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Part of the mank-jank-skank-rank-gank scale of just how bad something is. All are negative terms.

gank is worse than
rank is worse than
skank is worse than
jank is worse than
That dead horse in your garden is rank
by James Keenan May 25, 2006
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