
To replace the word shit without the harshness of the sound, but all the effects of the coolness.
Sounds like "shih."
Example 1: Ah shi, that sounds dope. I'll see you there.

Example 2: Shi, watchu looking at me for?

Example 3: Did you see that shi?
by berning sensation July 17, 2018
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A Shi is very special and hard to find, they are smart and extremely pretty person. They are trustworthy and mature, but funny and "unique?"at the same time, and i don't want to sound basic, like, "this i a very beautiful and amazing person.." because i'm not basic. But it's really hard not to when it comes to a Shi. If you ever find one, you are one of the luckiest people in the world, luckier than that person who one the lottery twice. So, if you meet one, try to get to know her because its a once- in- a- lifetime thing. love you, shi! (btw she's also dum thicc)
my friend, shi, is amazing and i love her. :) bigbootaey
by OH spicy May 27, 2020
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Shi is the Japanese word for 4. It also means 'death', 'city', 'poem', and can also be an honorific that means 'mr./mrs.' though it isn't as common as -san.
Ohayo *name*-shi
by SwEeTlY-cHaN August 3, 2012
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short for "shit."
by KRHimself December 14, 2003
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A lovely, good looking lad with tremendous sex appeal, tremendously so.
That boy is such a shi
by aniyafehmeod April 10, 2017
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basically replaces any word you cannot think of due to either high stress, lack of knowing the word or simple brain fartage
Are you going to record the shi tonight?
by N. Bird September 21, 2006
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by phllp7 March 6, 2015
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