extreme gas thats smell is so unbearable it will clear out a room. It is so awful it has the strength to penatrate through layers of blankets, even comforters and make your partner want to vomit. It is so potent that it even smells horrid to the fartee themselves
My Rancid Ass Syndrome (RAS) was so bad that it woke my boyfriend from his sleep and he had to leave the room because he was dry heaving.
by mr hanky May 25, 2007
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(Warning: Attempt at your own risk) When you eat nothing but 6 month expired food for 3 weeks straight, then after the three weeks you eat a box of prescription strength laxatives. While waiting for the laxatives to take effect you tie up the recipient of the DNRT to a chair with their mouth forced open. When the laxatives begin to work position your chocolate starfish directly over their face and then spray as hard as humanly possible.
Chris: You look horrible, what happened?
Nick: I've eaten nothing but expired food for the last three weeks and last night I DNRT'd Vikki.
Chris: Oh my God, is she still alive?
Nick: I don't know, after I finished I ran out of their and forgot to untie her.
Chris: I'm never going to Dirty Nasty Rancid Typhoon anyone, that's disgusting...
by Chocolatenix May 29, 2011
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When you shove half a pillow in your anus, and then slap someone to death with the other half.
Santino gave Nick the Rancid Pillow Slap Fest and Neal taped it.
by Prudence The Naughty Pilgram February 19, 2005
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is what you call someone or something that smells like raw suidge and makes you wanna physicaly heave!!
man your breath smells like rancide baby shit!
by eggwardo August 4, 2009
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Something that smells absolutely disgusting. Horrible Something you would never want to smell

Refer to rancid
That fart was double rancid *death*
That girls face is double rancid
by RANC1D July 7, 2011
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An immense feeling of disgust making you want to heave and hurl.
(Johnny lays a heaving poo on the floor in front of Greg)

Greg: Holy shit Johnny that’s rancid!
by Stupidfishspanker May 31, 2022
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