A game involving three people. One person is being spit-roasted whilst the two people on each end play a game of chess.
You bring your girlfriend and we’ll have a game of hardcore pawn
by massivetraps25 November 25, 2020
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Any individual who "Hangs Around" a pawn shop solely for entertainment purposes and believes they are equally entertaining. Can also be an individual that frequents pawn shops so that they may dazzle everyone with their vast knowledge of all things from tools to tiaras. They are always wrong about everything.
Clerk One: "You know that guy?"

Clerk Two: "Yea, that's just Bob. He's one of our usual Pawn Monkeys. Try to ignore him"
by Lord of the Pawns February 2, 2011
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A reality tv show that has such bad acting and predictable plot lines that it’s actually entertaining. The history content is really the most interesting part.
Pawn Stars Script:

Seller: “I would like to sell my 8th century Peruvian dildo.”
Rick: “Let me call in my buddy he’s knows everything there is to know about this stuff.”
Seller: “Ok”
by Sir Memelot September 17, 2018
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A boy who likes to play with a girls mind and breaks her perfectly good heart and then does the same thing to all her friends until he finally picks a girl to be with and they have a relationship that is toxic and abusive.
Girl 1: Who's that boy?
Girl 2: Stay away from him and becareful. That's Satan's Pawn.
by ladytremaine666 October 23, 2014
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Someone who is being manipulated by the media or the news that spews out lies and misinformation.
Hannah was a media pawn for a while until she woke up!
by Type2GenomeManiac March 13, 2019
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In a game of chess the term "Isolated Pawn" refers to a pawn on either side of the board that doesn't have any pawns on its left and its right.
Black's rook captured the isolated pawn on square e4 for free as it had no other supporting pawns beside it to defend it.
by Ivanchuk "Gore Buff" November 12, 2014
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Coined from and having the same literary meaning as Pun Intended, but this time related to chess. Humorous wordplay for chess players and by chess players—making a chess joke for chess players, saying something, and saying something else jokingly.
Mikhail Tal once said: “There are two types of sacrifices: correct ones, and mine.” Pawn intended
Trading rooks with Queens on the seventh rank is something I enjoy doing a lot; Pawn intended
by FawolizzoChess October 13, 2021
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