The act of shoving one's sexual partner's head under water during intercourse with the purpose of inducing unconsciousness, thus tightening the rectal muscles and providing great pleasure for the fellow upon orgasm. See camel kick and donkey punch. So named due to its use by colonial-era Hong Kong boat prostitutes. Supposedly a bathtub favorite of President John F. Kennedy.
Ned invited Mabel over for a Hong Kong sleepover by thrusting her head into the bucket of water next to the sawhorse on which he was plowing her.
by Ned March 26, 2003
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manual stimulation of a man's penis performed specifically by an Asian chick, usually in the setting of an Oriental Spa.
I didn't have enough money for sex so all I got was a Hong Kong Handshake and a hot towel.
by gsodthecluck July 17, 2009
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Slang term for cum
Refers to the fact that cum is sticky, like glue as well as the high prevalence of hookers in Hong Kong
I gave that bitch some dental shots of Hong Kong glue.
by Patrick F... September 13, 2008
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A very attractive Asian boy or man, which is considered uncommon. Usually into Chinese, Japanese, or Korean culture, such as martial arts and natural medicine; very smart and dedicated to what they love; has an awesome taste in music; basically all around amazing that it's surprising that he could even be as hot and/or sexy as he is. Also known as Hong Kong Hottie.
White Girl #1: Wow, did you see that Hong Kong hunk walk by? I have a huge crush on him.

White Girl #2: You don't have a chance.
by whitegirlnumberone June 15, 2009
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Process of inserting the erect penal object into an anus then receiving oral immediately after so the person eats your shit.
Jeff got the Hong Kong Dong from a Ukrainian tranny behind Applebee's while he was wasted.
by Yobungus1337 October 31, 2010
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When someone says you got hong Kong feet it means your feet can put people into comas.
Wang said to lifu liang Dam boy you got that hong Kong feet, your shit stinker.
by realesthomsalive July 21, 2015
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