I'm a practicing Muslim myself so I'll give you the real deal. First of all it is NOT ok to blow yourself up in Islam. Suicide is completely forbidden and is considered a sin. You are allowed to fight only if you are threatened fatally. Hurting women and children is forbidden under any circumstances. Muslims follow Muhammad who they believe to be a messenger of God. They worship five times a day, fast in the month of Ramadan, give annual charity, and perform a pilgrimage to the holy city of Makkah. They believe in Jesus as a messenger, not son, of God because they beleive God is so independent, he does not need anybody.
If you blow yourself up you are not a Muslim.
Terrorism is forbidden is Islam.
by Muslimguy January 14, 2010
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ok..its time for a neutral definition of Islam on here because attacking other religions when you don't truly understand their teachings is a bit childish, dontcha think? :)
1. islam tells women to do is to be obedient to their husbands and husbands have to be respectful and considerate towards their wives. most people don't follow this rule but that is just that has NOTHING to do with islam. most people think that the quran says 'its ok to hit women' it doesnt say that anywhere. different people have different interpretation of the same script. My interpretation doesn’t say anything like that
2. jihad is only allowed in islam if someone starts a war against your religion
3. in islam, you cant force people to do things they dont want to do.
4. fasting in islam (or going hungry from sunrise to sunset) is done to feel the pain of the poor. we also have to give out money to the poor and helpless every year to help them out. fasting is not useless, it teaches one patience and considerateness
5. people get angry and offended when someone makes fun of them and they have different ways of handling their anger. likewise, muslims do get offended when someone makes fun of their religion. i am not saying its ok for people to go around killing each other when they're offended but i am also not saying its ok for people to constantly put people down just because their religious views differ from yours. harassing people is just going to fuel unnecessary arguments.
islam is just like any other religion out there.
by someonethatcaresx April 25, 2010
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A monotheistic religion characterized by the acceptance of the doctrine of submission to God and to Muhammad as the chief and last prophet of God. The Arabic word 'Islam' simply means 'submission," and derives from a word meaning "peace." In a religious context it means complete submission to the will of God. 'Allah' is the Arabic name for God, which is used by Arabic-speaking Muslims, Jews and Christians alike as the normal word for God. "Allah" is also used to refer to God by Muslims speaking other languages, including English. A Muslim is an adherent of the religion of Islam. Literally, the word means "one who submits (to God)". Islam is not a new religion, but the final culmination and fulfillment of the same basic truth that God revealed through his prophets to every people. A way of life symbolized by peace; peace with God, peace with the creations of God through Submission to God and His guidance. Over a billion people from all races, nationalities, and cultures across the globe are Muslim; from the rice farms of Indonesia to the deserts in the heart of Africa; from the skyscrapers of New York to the Bedouin in Arabia. Muslims believe in the One, Unique, Incomparable, Merciful God; the sole creator and Sustainer of the Universe; in the angels created by Him; in the prophets through whom His revelations were brought to humankind; in the Day of Judgment of actions; in God's complete authority over destiny, whether it is good or bad; and in life after death.
Muslims believe that God sent his messengers and prophets to all people and God's final message to humanity, a reconfirmation of the eternal message and a summing up of all that had gone before, was revealed to the Last Prophet Muhammad through the angel Gabriel. The sacred text of Islam is the Qur'an (also spelled Koran; multiple spellings).
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One of the greatest religions in the world. Also the fastest growing Abrahamic religion in the world. Some of the things in common it has with other Abrahamic religions (Christianity and Judaism) are:
-Abraham as an important religious figure (duh)
-Religious scriptures
-Some connection with Jerusalem
Followers of Islam are called Muslims.
One of the main reasons why Islam is associated with terrorism is not because of Islam itself, but because of it's followers.
One of the most important religious scriptures in Islam is called the Holy Quran.
Islam is the greatest religion and Muslims are its worst followers.

The Quran mentions Jesus's name five times more than Mohammad's.
by fambera February 26, 2010
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noun: A monotheistic religion founded by the prophet Mohammad in the 600's. It Means "submission", referring to sumbission to the will of Allah, the supreme deity of Islam. Followers are called Muslims. Their holy book is called the Koran, Kuran, Qu'ran, or Qu'raan. Their holy city is Mecca, located in the Middle East. Important figures in Islamic history and theology include Mohammad, Khadija, Fatimah, Ali Ibn Abu Talib, Abu Bakr, Emperor Akbar, Emperor Shah Jahan, Queen Mumtaz, and many others that I am not aware of. True Muslims are expected to pray in the direction of Mecca five times a day, follow the month-long partial fast of Ramadan as well as other cultural festivals and fasts, and not worship any other gods except Allah.

OPINION: I know many Muslims and they are all free-thinking, secular, and wonderful people, BUT it cannot be denied that some of the most powerful figures of the religion are cruel and vindictive - therefore the faith gets negative attention from the media - attention that is well-deserved, but simply should be redirected to the individuals and groups that choose to interpret Islam in a horrible way. And others here need to get off their high horse and realize that Islam DOES have flaws, just like any other religion, and DOES leave room to be interpreted in a violent way. Even if they are "0.01%" of your population, accept that the majority of terrorism comes from Islamic fundamentalists. How about this: We promise not to judge you all as a group if you promise to take a stand against your misguided brothers with us.
There's a lot of controversy today about Islam and where it stands in modern, secular society.
by No one really cares July 16, 2008
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Islam is a religion
That will give us all the best life
Islam means subjection
Salam means peace
This religion
forbids slavery
Islam start with one sentence
"Ashadu alla ilaha illa Allah wa ashadu ana muhamadan rasululah"
Islam love peace
by Muslimboy May 9, 2018
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Islam does not mean "peace" But "Submition" .
Peace in arabic = Salam
Islam in arabic = Islam
And Islam is the biggest growing religion in the world.
by Qabandi September 7, 2005
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