Word created when all three insults are applied: go die in a fire, go die of cancer, go die in a hole. Used when you can't be asked to fire separate insults at a person or do not have the time to argue with them.
Man1- Do you want to play with me in warhammer club?
Man2- Go away. No one likes you. You have no friends.
Man1- What about Lego club?
Man2- No. Go die in a fiery cancerous hole.
Man1- (starts crying)
by JMUK July 14, 2012
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When you spray your hand with AXE body spray and light it on fire, then you shove your hand up somebodies ass.
Randy is so sweet last night he gave me a fiery fist of pain!
Awwww thats so cute!
by Ugly mook May 12, 2016
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It is the result of eating a red hot curry and the effect on your natural bodily functions. It is easily identified by the orangey colouration and the burning pain caused when you visit the toilet.
"hey man i just went to the toilet after jacks mum after she had that vindaloo, and there was fiery bum gravy splattered all over the walls. Man she really needs to clean up after herself that was vile."
by bigrodgerb May 14, 2010
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A woman whose genitals are infected with herpes.
"oh man you don't want to get that... She's a fiery snap dragon"-Charlie
"Oh, thanks man, I wouldn't want to wake up with the herp."-Alex.
by blinkapril June 4, 2010
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it's big, it's fast, and it's painful!
"last night i let your mom really know what the fiery fist of pain is all about"
by Ethan street August 11, 2007
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When you're driving in a red convertible like guy fieri and you're getting a blow job.
My girlfriend gave me a guy fieri job the other day.
by SpecificTermForThat March 8, 2015
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A game similar to ping-pong or "table tennis", with one exception: The paddles are replaced by fiery scorpions.
"Why is your hand all burnt and stung?"
"Oh, me and Charles played Fiery Scorpion Pong."
by bonesquid May 4, 2005
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