A derogatory name for someone who is of Cuban descent. Not unlike calling a Japanese person a Jap or Jew a Kike. For an explanation of Cuban click the link.
Marcus kept calling Alec a "cube" and it was getting really old. In-turn everyone told Marcus to shut-up and he was gay.
by Ryan thy Great December 23, 2004
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Furlong, the ultimate CUUUUUUUUUBE!
*Clink Clink*
Dude 1: "Dude, did you hear that?"
Dude 2: "It kinda sounds like a cube clinkin around."
Dude 1: "Oh wait, nevermind, it's just Furlong"
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A 30 pack of beers. Usually the best buy. Don't confuse it with the bitch cube.
"John bought a cube last night and wouldn't let anyone have a beer, but after his 15th he was so fucked that I just stole a bunch."
by mifter July 28, 2005
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an 8x8x8 wood box in which bunch of gds kids (well, 3) who locked themselves for 4 days w/out any notion of time or anything to do but talk and sleep and occasionally eat. the cube was monitered by a webcam so othe gds kids could watch the three guys be bored. it was actually fascinating.
"hey, did you see the last feeding?"
"nah, my computer stopped loading. but i was online at 3 last night...they were all running in circles."
by -_someone_- June 1, 2005
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A person who has a square-shaped head, usually bald. Not always associated with flat-tops, although they do make you look like a cube.

As heard in "Seinfeld"
That guy's got a square head.
Yeah, he's a cube!
by dhfbednchfb February 19, 2010
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Short, fat and squatty. All ass, and no body.
Man, that girl's so big, her height equals her width and her depth! She's cubed, yo!
by Anonymous November 8, 2003
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n. - the state of being broken beyond repair
v. - "to cube" to discard of broken things
adj. - denoting uselessness
"How's that code coming along?" "It turned out cubish and I had to start over."

"I heard you you started seeing someone new." "Nah, we cubed right away."
by John K. Fitzpatrick December 18, 2010
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