A "College" the size of T. J. Maxx. Where everyone should take Mr. Kyle for econ cause he's so awesome, and everyone has a crush on Professor Nolan cause he's so hot. Ben Affleck - Ross = Nolan
Person 1:Where do you go?
Person 2:I go to Cayuga Community College
Person 1:is that the college next to the hardware store?
Person 2: ummm yea but my English Professor is really Hot
by Hot4Professor February 22, 2009
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Lucan community college, what comes to mind when you think of it; youth, pride etc-well let me give you a bit of insider news. In this school, the classroom are divided like this: Retards are at the back, ones that try to learn are in the middle and the ones that slow down the class are at the front. If you think you are going to this school to learn well, then you can fuck off, like take maths for example. Back in primary, I was sweating my nipples of i was so good at maths, now I'm a retard like fuck me can you just teach algebra, so we can understand.

Anyway don't go to this school but when thinking about it there just really isn't anywhere else to go, I mean you could go to the crack heads at ACC or go to those All boys/girls school- or if your fancy a private one like kings.

What I get most pissed off about is the fuckers that are always on their phone our just talking loud as fuck, and then the teacher stop the class, by the time they're done giving out there is only like 10 min left of class. I'm dipping from this school after fourth year because I don't want to be earning 40k a year like beta males(which I'm not).

Anyway thank you for reading my English essay
Signed: who (I don't want to get in trouble, unless they can see me email, then I'm fucked.
Also, i remember seeing this on one door, it was like It's OK to be OK ~ naaaaaahhhhhhhhh
Laugh at your problems, everybody else does. don't forget to have a great time losing brain cells.

lucan community college
by im not putting my real name January 25, 2022
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Community college that is filled with failures and those who are expecting to go no where in life.

You may want to enroll in this school if you:

1. Smoke alot of weed
2. Think smoking weed is more important than anything else.
3. Mow Lawns for primary income
4. Failed out of WVU
5. If you don't know english
6. If you live in a trailer
7. Your parents don't love you
8. If your from South Carroll High
9. You just couldn't make it through career and tech
10. Your girlfriend is pregnant.
Yeah i got arrested for public intoxication, got my gf preggo, failed out of school, my parents stopped talking to me, so i mow lawns for money for the child support and now i got to carroll community college.
by sourtaint180 July 22, 2010
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Such a shitty school in Chav Town, the principal is Big Phil and the Shitty deputy is Mrs Cowsarse. We are made to carry 5000 tons of shit school work every day. This school is full of slags,sweats and play boys. This is the worst school
A girl at Hailsham Community College is considered a slut
by Lovemedaddy April 26, 2019
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1. When you accidentally let a small piece of shit slide out your ass and into public view while trying to hold a pebble shit together.
2. A huge public fail which is easily avoided by 99.9% of people who pay-the-fuck-attention-to-life.
1. Duuuude! Yo, I thought she had look straight and a minute later, a community college dropout came sliding out her shorts!

2. Did you hear that Nikki is a community college dropout?
by HangTrumpFromTheNeck November 26, 2020
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“The place where the devil teaches his workings”. This is primarily done my brain washed minions, more commonly known as "Teachers". If a person wishes to loose the will to live and be imprisoned for 25 hours of torture...come to Garforth Community College, where we can educate you by some of the most retarded tutors in the world!!!

Oh and don’t forget guys....REVISE, because you don’t wan to crash and burn
Person A - How I wish I could find the gateway to hell...
Person B - Well sure sunny, step right up and go through the new pointless door way...then choose any direction because it all leads the same place!

Emo A - I wish I could die slowly and painfully
Emo B - I've heard good things about Garforth Community College
by MAC AGENT February 26, 2007
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The most pathetic excuse for a school anyone could ever see/experiance first hand.
"What GCSE's did you get? 7 U's and 2 G's"
"Wow you went to 'ROSSMORE COMMUNITY COLLEGE' then"
by Lorenzo14_21 October 3, 2006
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