A cool girl that made Diego proud by earning her own driver's licence
Jane did it again. She exceeded everyone's expectations!
by De Eumel November 23, 2021
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Very cool gal that made Diego proud by earning her driver's licence :)
Jane is awesome at evering, as expected.
by De Eumel November 23, 2021
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Our neighbours in the house at the end of the lane are a couple of Janes and no Disco or roly poly K9's can change that.
by MoistestMan May 19, 2023
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Jane is the absolute best friend you could ever even hope for. She isn't judgy, even though sometimes she can be a little intimidating when you first meet her. She quite literally can change your life. Jane is the kind of friend that makes you see the blessings in trials, accidents, or even coincidences without even trying. Jane is the answer to the prayer you've been praying for years. When you're with Jane you can be yourself, 100% with no act, no faking a smile or pretending you're something that you're not. Even though Jane is perfect at literally everything except Spanish ;) she always makes you feel good about yourself and when you leave her presence you just feel like a million bucks and like nothing can stop you. Jane is a friend who can make you smile when you don't want to and make your bad days good, your good days better, and your better days the best. Jane's hugs are the absolute best thing in the entire universe and a single hug from Jane could get you through a whole entire week. When you first meet her it might be a little bit awkward lol but it's 1000000% worth it. She might seem intimidating at first but she turns out to be sweet and kind and the best friend you could ask for. She's freaking gorgeous and all the guys are after her, but sometimes she doesn't believe it. Regardless, she makes you feel amazing about yourself and always know what to say. If you're in need of a solid friend who isn't fake and genuinely cares, get yourself a Jane.
"Danggg that girl slays; she's hot, she's nice, and she's good at everything!"
"mhm that's because it's Jane. There's no one else quite like her..."
by twocoolwaffles April 7, 2022
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Jane is a leader and a really great and funny person. Jane will always catch your eye because of her beauty and confidence. Always up to point out whats wrong or unjust, Jane is a changemaker. If you are friends with Jane, consider yourself lucky.
"I love Jane she's so pretty and confident."

"I wish I was friends with her."
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1 half of a Siamese twin, she loves tik tok and talking to all of here older brothers mates, her older brother always goes ape shit when his mates talk to her. Her favorite food is a jane sandwich
by Jane lover 42069 April 24, 2020
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Jane is a daft wee stupid sausage
Wish this torture scone had a Jane with it
by Daddyshaq November 23, 2021
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