1. Any form of a Zack (annoying type of person who dosen't know much).

2. A ZACK who takes stuff without asking and later claims it was his to begin with.

3. A person living in Massachusetts worthy of the nick-name "Mass-Hole" may also be a "turd-burglar" if he/she is really that ignorant.

4. A young ZACK who thinks he/she is "all-that" but in reality only amounts to the worth of a penny in terms of brain function.
I asked ZACK where he got that thing and he said "it's mine, leave me alone!" What a Turd-Burglar!
by Beavis April 28, 2004
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One who presents old used ideas as if thay are new and original.
by Anonymous February 10, 2003
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Anyone who steals from a Year 9 student at Melbourne High School, Australia (derived from the olden day term 'Third')
Look at that Turd Burglar tag that Turd!! F*ckin Turds... Need to be taught a lesson
by fatty August 21, 2003
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The worlds greatest skateboarding crew from RADelaide, South Australia.

The Members are Frenzal, Ferret, Animal Chin, Nugget, Patty Holland and Clown.
Never Mind Carlisle Clique, here is the TURD BURGLARS
by *frenzal* March 31, 2005
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A homosexual poacher of human feces; a poo-pilferer. Allternately, a rectum-robber who has a penchant for feces during gay sex.
"Hey, buddy - quit eyeing by bunghole like that! Whaddaya, some sort of TURD-BURGLAR??? Does this look like a fucking bathhouse? There's no sphincter pudding here for you!"
by Billy B August 24, 2006
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1. When you finally have enough solitude to take a dump because you are afraid that someone might say something. when the turd is being waved home someone barges in forcing you to squeeze it back in.
Often times you know the Turd Buglar's identity.

2.The extremely annoying person who has no buissness in the bathroom yet stays their playing with his/her phone or looking at himself/herself in the mirror. All the while your trying to hold in a dump that youve been holding in since the Regan Administration until waiting until he/she finally leaves
1. God, why the hell does Andy need to always barge in when Im taking a shit? What a goddammed Turd Burglar.

2. Jesus when is this guy gunna leave already, I have this massive turd and insecurity issues to unload here.... FOR THE LAST TIME STOP LOOKING AT YOURSELF IN THE MIRROR THATS NOT BROCCOLI YOU TURD BURGLAR!!
by Rattlesnake316 February 26, 2006
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Finally, you are all alone in the public restroom about to unleash a huge shit. Lo and behold, someone enters said restroom, interrupting your feces expulsion.

You sit quietly listening to what the fucktard is up to. Normally, he will do one of three things: 1) fake taking a piss; 2) wash his fucking hands for an hour; 3) just stand around silently.

There are only two ways to rid yourself from this low lifeform: 1) let loose the greasiest, juciest, diarrhea-filled fart you can muster; 2) squeeze the shit back into your ass, exit the stall, and kick the shit out of the freak.

This, my friends, is the true definition of a turd burglar.
Dude, I was at the mall and this turd burglar just stood around for like 10 minutes while I was trying to squeeze one out. I finally got so pissed that I commanded my asshole to suck the shit back up. I then proceeded to bust down the stall door and beat the shit out of him.
by Soul Controller April 16, 2011
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