Asking tag that to another guy means, when you see a girl walk by, you yell "tag that?" The guy then answers by saying yes or no. This is asking the question would u hit, fuck that girl! Used by home depot employees when fine customers walk by. This disguises that they are perverts
by brad_d November 8, 2006
Somewhat graphiti. A way of signing your name anonomously. Sometimes people use random words, like Splat, or also symbols.
by Aminf April 3, 2007
An intense game that involves several people. The one who is "it" chases the other and touches them to transfer the "it" disease. THIS IS A GAME THAT SHOULD ONLY BE PLAYED BY THE MANLIEST OF MEN.
by SocialSellout October 10, 2018
A big pain in the ass. You need five of these things now, just to post a definition. Sometimes there just arent 5 relevant tags
Urban dictionary: Gimme 5 tags now!! *evil laugh*
Poor shepherd: "I dont want no trouble, mister. I just came to to submit a definition of gingham"
Poor shepherd: "I dont want no trouble, mister. I just came to to submit a definition of gingham"
by Dope Slanger December 9, 2005
A fighting term for getting hit with a good clean shot that isn't enough to get you KTFO but just enough to have you seeing stars.
by wolf on the ground November 16, 2005
by uhhmandy November 9, 2011
To engage in sexual intercourse.
by Larrew June 19, 2013