The ripping of your trousers to create a vagina like split. If it is on a women it reveals her actual vagina giving a point of easy entry for a man to perform a Dirty Dungeon Pirate.
Eve: Oh it appears I have a Trouser Vagina.
Pete: Yes looks like it's time for a Japanese Crab Stroker.
by Nex Solo May 12, 2011
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You basic act of flatulence, or farting to the layperson.
While in a formal meeting, David lift his leg, leans to one side, and farts.
"trouser cough" he says.
by Spinny November 29, 2009
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The penis, in all its glory. A wondrous organ, usually found between the legs on human males. origin of this phrase is uncertain, although it may have something to do with the aroma a male penis can take on when left unwashed for a while...
Stop playing with your trouser trout, Jimmy!
by T. Rouser Trout October 10, 2007
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(n) Feelings of sexual attraction, often mistaken for romantic love.
"Oh god, that idol is so hot. I'm totally in love with him."
"No, you're not. You're just in trouser lover with him."
by Toewsby September 24, 2014
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Noun: An attractive male who bears the hallmarks of being dragged up on a sink estate. These traits include, though are not exclusive to: knock-off Addidas jogging bottoms; no top (in summer); a hoodie (in winter); a baseball cap (no matter what the season); a toned physique; an overabundance of natural pheromones; a distinctive walk in which he tries to communicate that he is 'proper hard" and "well fit".

Often, a decent bit of council trouser will stroll around town aimlessly, bearing his tattoos and showing off his gym-toned body to passing chavettes, who, like him, have a great deal of time on their hands between collecting their dole and queueing for cheap cider at Aldi.

Trouser, in this context, is a synecdoche used as a male equivalent of the pejorative"skirt", used chiefly in Britain to describe any attractive young female.

Council trouser spotting is a fun office-based game, in which colleagues gaze out the window on a sunny day and rate the passing state-subsidised man-talent as it parades its prone body down the street.
"Look at that bit of council trouser over there. I'd defo bang him!"

"I'm going out tonight and plan to bed myself a nice bit of council trouser."
by Greifbar2000 June 4, 2013
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Pubic hair. Can be refering to a male or female.
Man, I would have gone all the way with her. But her trouser sprouts were out of control.
by J-Marq June 26, 2008
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when you are so scared you might shit your pants.
ah shit that guys gonna shiv ya alice. its brown trousers time.
by dougy May 24, 2004
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