My nick name. Because my name is too long. It came to being by my friends taking my name 'Saidhbhin' (which is pronounced sa-bean), changing it to 'Soybean' and then finally changing it to 'Tofu' (for tofu is made of soybeans)
Look at Tofu...She's such a Freak}.
by Tofu June 25, 2004
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Tofu (noun): Not born perfect, nor someone who tries to be perfect. Beyond perfection. As a result, drives all around him towards insanity, through his sheer brilliance! :D
eg: Omg, you are a Tofu!
by tofu_appreciator November 15, 2011
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What Xiao from Genshin Impact eats daily in hopes of trying to extend his height from 157 even though he’s 2000 years old.
Why did you make almond tofu, did you realised that you have summoned Xiao accidentally?
by nekohwa March 8, 2021
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A tofu project (or tofu dreg project) is a Chinese term (Traditional Chinese: 豆腐渣工程; Pinyin: dòufuzhā gōngchéng) for a shoddily-made building, especially those hastily erected during China's communist-mandated construction boom. These edifices infamously collapse during earthquakes, when not for no apparent reason whatsoever.
"The term (tofu project) was coined in 2008 during the Wenchuan earthquake in Sichuan province, when thousands of children died in collapsed “tofu-dreg” schools. Families and schoolteachers who sought accountability for the bad construction were silenced through detention and police threat." (Los Angeles Times, "As Beijing claims credit for beating coronavirus, many Chinese are outraged: ‘Fake! It’s all fake!’ ", Alice Su, March 10, 2020)
by Bezzle Bedeviled March 28, 2020
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People who are bland, boring, do not add anything to the conversation or just say yes or agree to everything you say or the person speaking says. Zero personality, they are like accessory, they lack flavor and better to be avoided if you want real people with real feelings and with whom to have an interesting interaction.
'Anthony is so tofu! you never know what is he really thinking, as he will always agree with whatever you say, how annoying!'

'Got tired of tofu people. You can find them at so many parties, they are everywhere, blending in, adding nothing'
by Colibrí April 14, 2017
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A friend or group of friends who act like those who they are around.
"Dude, Alex was being such a jerk. Usually he is on my side about everything but he was with Ben and TOTALLY being a tofu friend"
by IGreen KnightI April 27, 2009
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Used to describe something that is sick gnarly or magical

It is also a song from the cartoon Doug by the band "The Beets"
by claytonxxl January 20, 2008
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