To do something or perform a task. Usually it is involved with illegal activities.
"Let's bust a mission and hit that."
by Sk8_Depot November 22, 2007
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correction---2894 deaths
since mission accomplished, there have been nearly 3000 deaths
by Daniel198 December 3, 2006
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Pursuing a pointless endeavor; counter productive; beating a dead horse, a cluster fuck, a waste of time.
Matt: I want to fix up my old truck to sell it. It needs about $2000 in work. What do you think?
Jack: I don't even think you could sell it for that much. Seems like a dick mission to me, hoss.

Jeff: I have to convince my boss that we need to cut salaries to just stay in business. It's the only way.
Wendy: He'll agree to that?
Jeff: Oh hell no! It's a total dick mission.
by Tenacious Faulker January 20, 2010
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Sex position where the receiver lays in missionary position, and the giver takes a running jump in to start sex.
Lay still im going to open with a flying mission.
by SBrooky July 29, 2020
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A great adult cartoon made by the same guy who made Ren and Stimpy.
<Andy> There, I said 'ass'! Are you gonna go and taddle to mom now?!
by Alan Lam August 24, 2003
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A formerly Latino section of San Francisco now being heavily gentrified by white hipsters.

All the culture and soul of this historic neighborhood has been replaced by fixed-gear bikes, fair-trade coffee shops, and guys in fedoras and ray-bans.
If you have a gluten allergy, the Mission District is your place.
by cosmiccountrynoir April 24, 2011
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When one does something alone because no one will go with them
Victoria: "Can you go to lunch at noon?"

Emily: "No, sorry I have class"

Victoria: "Damn, looks like it will be a solo mission"
by victorytalks.93 December 9, 2011
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