76 definitions by Tenacious Faulker

1) Fighting on ice, e.g. professional hockey.

2) A hockey game that has an inordinate amount of fights either throughout the game or simultaneously as in a bench-clearing brawl.
Fan 1: "Did you watch the Stanley Cup finals between the Penguins and the Redwings? Talbot fought Lindstrom, Fleury fought, Osgood fought Ericcson, Ericcson fought Talbot..."

Fan 2: "Oh, you mean the fight capades. Yeah, the Pens kicked their asses!"
by Tenacious Faulker June 23, 2009
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SoCal/surfer term meaning lame, heinous, harsh or shitty. A reference to outsider surfers from San Fernando Valley, which to them, is the source of all things sucky. Valley dwellers are typically hated by LA beach locals hated for invading the locals' beaches, sealing waves, posing, and flaunting their parents money.
Surfer dude: Hey, babe! Lookin' tasty today. Wanna meet me under the pier and ride my short board?

Surfer chick: Asshole! Not if you were the last wave in Santa Monica!

Surfer dude: Whoa! That was val!
by Tenacious Faulker April 16, 2009
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noun. A name for a person who fouls something up; a fuck up, a schelmiel.
Hey! Smooth move, Ex-lax!
by Tenacious Faulker April 16, 2009
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An phrase that pseudo-intellectuals, brownnosers or sycophants use to elevate themselves intellectually to another by pretending they think or believe the same as they do when in fact so-called "great minds" set themselves apart from others because they really DON'T think like everyone else.
Intellectual: Since the 1950's, the whole of modern western civilization is based off of one driving concept - consumerism! It is the the reason for all the social ills of modern society. Despite the obvious advances in technology in medicine, agriculture, communications, engineering, and alternative energy we as a people are held back because the power rests in the few with the financial and political influence to keep money where is always has been. This rise in technology should be bettering the minds of the masses, but actually is made to anesthetize them and keep them complacent and lethargic.

Pseudo-intellectual: OMG!! Like...wow! I just said the same thing to my friends at the country club yesterday! I say you can get the same quality with Gucci that they get with Prada for less money. But nobody seems to listen. And...ya know...it sooo, like, frustrating? Great minds think alike, right?

Intellectual: *looks down his nose* You're not even in the same conversation.
by Tenacious Faulker March 9, 2013
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The constant, incessant and relentless assult on the senses of the public and individual's alike by the corporate community and/or the government designed to alter, influence and even impair your ability to effect your own unbaised and reasonable needs, wants, and opinions.
1) Modern U.S. corporations spend hundreds of billions of dollars each year to perpetuate the marketing machine in order promote ravenous consumerism to a virtually unchecked capitalistic society that plunders the Earth's resources and harms developing countries.

2) Bush and Cheney employed a massive marketing machine to sell the Iraqi war to the public, promote ongoing fear from 9/11, and shrunk the gap in the separation of church and state in order to get re-elected despite a disasterous 1st term in office.
by Tenacious Faulker May 19, 2009
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When a woman leans down to hug a young lad or a seated male, his head often turns to the side in expectation of the embrace. The resultant contact is usually ear-to-boob, hence, earboob.
1) "I hate it when grandma hugs me at the dinner table because of the unadvoidable, old-lady earboob.

2) "I love when my Dad's hot, 20 year-old trophy, wife hugs me, but I have to settle on earboob because it would be awkward if I didn't turn my head."
by Tenacious Faulker January 16, 2009
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(n.) A coarse British exclamation meaning balls; testicles; scrotum. It is often be used as an expletive in place of balls, damn, shit, crap, fuck, etc., but, oddly on occassion, also as a term of appraisal and even esteem.

(v.) A term meaning to screw something up; a fuck up. afail.

Also spelled "bollucks" usually by Americans.
Nigel: Manchester United is nothing without David Beckham.
Cyril: That's a load of bollocks!

Cyril: You know you danced with that girl with toilet paper stuck to your shoe?
Nigel: Bollocks!!

Nigel: Bar Keep! A round of pints, if you will. On me!
Cyril: Oy, Mate! You're the dog's bollocks!

Cyril: You want me to be your wingman at the club tonight?
Nigel: No. After the toilet paper incident, I don't want you bollocksing up my chances again, mate.
by Tenacious Faulker February 18, 2010
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